Friday, January 06, 2012

I'm not sure if I need talking down or not

One of my long-term WIPs is 'America Land That I Love' by Jean Farish (I got it when it was a free project on her no-longer-in-existence web site).  I've been working on it off and on for almost a decade.  I just recently finished Michigan. 
'America Land That I Love' - Jean Farish
2-over-1 on antique white 16 ct aida
It looks nice and all, but I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy with it.  When I started this I was limited to Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and JoAnns for supplies.  The antique white 16 ct was, like, soooo kewl! from the viewpoint of only-ever-used-white-14-ct younger me.

Lately I've been seriously considering starting over.  That's right--I'm thinking of chucking ten years' worth of work.  I think it could be so much nicer on better fabric (like 32 or 36 ct hand-dyed evenweave).  And some of those squares could use a tweaking of the design.  Not much tweaking, mind you.  Mostly some color changes.

Am I crazy to even be considering this?  I do want to finish it because it is a great pattern; but it's getting really difficult to make myself work on it.  And I do have to force myself--it never gets picked up otherwise.  Isn't that at least as big a cross stitching sin as starting over?

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